The image below is of the demonstrations from both classes. Period 1 is orange, period 4 is blue. In each class, there was a flask with yeast, water, and sugar (labelled S) compared to a flask with just yeast and water (labelled NS for no sugar). The balloon on each flask acted both as a means to show a reaction and as a barrier to keep out oxygen. Notice how in the pressence of sugar (glucose) and without oxygen, the yeast will perform fermentation creating CO
2 (along with alcohol & NAD+). The image was taken after the flasks sat for 24 hours. As well, the yeast, without sugar could not go through any energy producing process, including fermentation. Side note, period 1 used a "younger" healthier sample of yeast... you can see it in their CO2 production.
Unit 3: Life, Cells, & Energy
Unit 3: Life, Cells, & Energy